Tuesday, May 13, 2008

the inaugaural post

today is about dave.
today is about five months of my life, i practically devoted to worshipping him.
today is about all of the times jordan, or lauren, told me to get over it; that he was an idiot.

david. what to even say about him. he's an idiot. he's clueless. absolutely fucking clueless. like actually, i believe that his social and emotional development ended at like.. age 11. he can't read ANY situation. he doesn't understand that your actions speak louder than words. he does things that apparently don't actually mean anything.

those sorts of things have left me cold now. i let myself fall--sort-of. as much as one could fall without it being a real relationship. but much further than i'd ever let myself fall if it was only an unreciprocated crush. it was unreciprocated in word, but fully reciprocated in action.

he's a fuck.

and NOW, he's going to go date a fucking grade eleven girl.
after months, and months of him lecturing me about how it's weird for age differences in relationships.
when the real truth of it all is that he is desperate. he isn't selective, he's desperate.

a desperate loser with bad fucking hair.

i don't know why i couldn't see it until now.

oh, and we have to live together in september.


at least, from now on, i will not take his criticisms. he is not better than me. i am far above and beyond him.

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